Monday, August 23, 2010

Open your mind to new experiences

"Your mind is like a parichute, it works better when it's open!"

       Kurek Ashley

I found this quote on line today and it really struck a cord with me.  There are so many new adventures and tasks that I would like to take on, but somehow we just go about our daily routine doing the same old thing over and over again.  It's like we have tunnel vision.  We just go about our day on automatic pilot because our famillies depend on us. Now I'm not saying as moms we should shun the responsibilities we have...not at all. Just taking a walk to enjoy God's creations, taking time to read, spending time with a friend opens our minds to new ways of thinking and we are able to handle the daily tasks we perform in a new light!

I'm am writing this for myself as well.  I have to open and feed my own mind with new experiences in order to share with my family and other people the things that I am most passionate about. Especially as moms, we need to take that time to take care of ourselves and have some quality time to do the things that matter to us. I'm challenging you to do something in addition to your daily routine.  I will do the same.  It may be a small thing, but in the long run it will really make a difference. I think i'll  take a walk in the rain today... :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tea Tree Oil is AMAZING!!

Tea tree oil has been around for well over 5000 years. The real name for the oil is called Melaleuca Alterfornia and it is a tree that grows in  New South Wales, Australia.  When the Aborigine's lived in Australia, they used to brew the leaves and drink it for certain ailments, hence the name Tea tree oil.  In 1922 a researcher from the Australian goverment named Dr. A.R. Penfold did an extensive study on Melaleuca oil and to his surprise discovered that the oil had many healing properties. Dr. Penfold found that it was a very powerful antiseptic.  It healed cuts, abrasions, skin conditions, burns, and insect bites.  By WWII, every Australian soldier had a bottle of Melaleuca oil in their first aid kit.  It was known as "the medicine kit in a bottle."
After WWII, many people switched from natural remedies to prescribed drugs as this industry really started to grow rapidly.  Melaleuca oil was introduced in 1980's to the U.S. and it's popularity is growing more and more. But be aware that some companies say their Tea tree oil is 100% pure and they're really not.  I purchase 100%  PURE...the finest Tea tree oil in the country!

So what does Melaleuca oil do?

It is a natural antiseptic, it heals, it penetrates below the skin surface to soothe and heal. It has a great smell!
I use it for...psoriasis (which is gone might I add), dry skin,  my hair, showering, cleaning my house, doing laundry, preventing infections, disinfecting...etc.  I use it on everything.  I love the fact that I have helped alot of people with their eczema which to date are all ezcema free! I actually buy my everyday products from a great store that has the Tea tree oil mixed in already. But I do keep my trusty concentrated Melaleuca oil on hand at all times.  Finally, products that really work without poisoning my family with harmful chemicals.  Wow!!!  I'm sooooo blessed to have found you!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Women are great at multi-tasking!

I was just browsing around on the internet and came across this image of a woman working from home and doing her household chores at the same time.  I love it!  It is so true that we are able to multi-task without missing a beat.  What an amazing picture!  Men just don't understand how we do it..or maybe it doesn't even come into their minds.  "What did you do all day?"  Does that sound familiar?  I'll tell you, there is no place on earth I'd rather be then in my home working my business and multi-tasking my house chores.  In addition, we drive our children to athletics, doctor appointments, or to a friends and having a full course meal on the table.  I do love those nights of ordering "take out" for dinner too! LOL  Although things can get pretty hectic trying to juggle everything, having your own business is the best way to earn great money, have that flexible schedule, and is so rewarding helping other moms all over the globe to be able to do the same. I'm truly blessed...

For those of you who have are hesitant about working from home, take the plunge!  You'll be glad you did :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Taking that first step...

Change is a very hard thing for me to do and for some of you I'm sure you would agree. When I started looking at different work at home opportunities, I was scared because lets face it, there are a lot of scams out there. When I came across this business opportunity, it was different than all the rest . I felt a sense of honesty and integrity with the woman that shared her information about what this company had done for her and others. Everything was laid out like an open book. There were no hidden agendas. I was so excited, but still ... changing to a totally new concept was a little scary. I knew that I just had to jump in because I really wanted this to work for my family. Most often, it's the start that stops us...but I was not going to let that happen . I took the risk because there was NO RISK! LOL It was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're looking to make a change, whatever it may be, make sure there is no risk...then try it even if it's out of your comfort zone. Don't let the start stop you. It will change your life!

"Life is change ... Growth is optional ... Choose wisely" ~ Karen Kaiser Clark ~